An Epic Challenge

Welcome to my page! My name is Kevin Sharp and I am a 30 year old Aerospace Engineer from Nuneaton in Warwickshire. I have been passionate about running from a very early age and I love to run! It is what I do best! When I run, I am at my happiest! It’s like an addiction! I have run marathons in the past and have recently been dabbling with longer and longer distances. It has always been my ambition to achieve something epic and go a bit beyond the norm so I have decided to focus my running efforts into something purposeful.

In the summer of 2012, it is my intention to run solo, coast to coast across the United States of America from Washington State to Virginia. About 3100 miles according to Google maps. I will be unsupported and funding the whole trip out of my own pocket. According to my research, more people have summited Everest than have run across America solo. Not too hard then…

I will also be running in aid of two charities: The National Autistic Society and The Royal British Legion. My younger brother suffers with Autism. It will be great to support the NAS for the help and guidance they have given my family and also to raise awareness of Autism and Aspergers Syndrome. The Royal British Legion is equally important to me as some of my closest friends are currently serving in the Army. I am  aware of the sacrifices service men and women make on a daily basis and I am keen to support the Royal British Legion in their efforts to assist veterans and serving personnel.

Make a donation using Virgin Money Giving

20 responses to “An Epic Challenge

  1. Looking forward following your blog!

  2. Good Luck. I´ll follow your blog.

    I read that you got advice from Bjorn Sunesson, a great adventurer as well as you..

  3. What an amazing and inspiring undertaking. I am looking forward to keeping up to date with your progress with all my family. Best of luck!

  4. Best of luck Kevin – we will be following your progress

  5. Vicki (20 AEC)

    Good luck Kevin, I am sure Rebecca will keep us all in the Ed Centre up to date when you can’t. Keep smiling x

  6. Fay and Greg

    Glad your on your way, we’ll be following your blog!

  7. I´ve been following Bjorns blog for many years, it felt very empty when he
    finished this years CC! But now it feels great to have new CC runner to follow, i´m looking forward to read your blog every day.

  8. Alice Mulhall

    Hi Kevin, I am an Old Colstonian from the same year as James B, (Alice Mulhall). What an amazing challenge you have chosen, I will be spreading the news for you. Your blog is inspiring and I will be reading it as my daily news for the next few months.
    Quote of the day, “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”.
    I wish you a world good health and happy running. All the best Alice

  9. Hey, I’m that kid you saw on your fifth day about 20 miles past Packwood. Good luck!

  10. hi Kevin, I am following you with flags on the map, enjoying your blog and wish you happy running and good luck
    Charlotte NAS

  11. Hi Kevin, I met you today at the Lewiston Red Lion. You have a ton of respect from me, especially because of the charities you’re running for. Supporting members of the military is very dear to me as well. Good luck on your journey and stay hydrated. I’ll be following along through the computer.

  12. Kevin and Scott


    Enjoy the road to orofino and beyond! We enjoyed meeting you and are inspired by your quest. We hear the sand in Virginia beach is super awesome – we know you will find comfort in putting your feet on the beach there!

    Your friends at Idaho forest group 🙂

  13. Jason Jesse

    I’m a friend of the receptionist at the Red Lion. When you get to Kooskia, ID on Saturday swing by the grocery store in town and I’ll donate some supplies for your journey!

    • Jason Jesse

      Correction on Sunday now I guess with the weather and repair delays. You’ll need them for your climb up Lolo Pass.

  14. Whoa I’m impressed Kevin! I just passed you on my way home from work, when you were about 3 miles out of Kooskia! That’s a heck of a trip in one day. I haven’t seen someone that determined since I was in the military doing road marches! If you want I can help you with a supplies donation in the morning but I don’t get in until 8:00am local time. If you are planning on leaving earlier in the morning I can call over to the store and have them let you get you some supplies. Let me know on here or if you stop by the store have them give me a call.

    • I have left a message with the store for up to $30 in supplies if you need them and I’m not there just a heads up!

  15. Great meeting you at Lochsa Lodge Kevin. We’ve made a contribution. ~ Ken & Kelly.

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